RISE Internships

Interested in applying for a RISE Internship?

Browse through the list below to find out more information about each internship opportunity.

Review the internship description for instructions on how to apply.

Find out more information about the RISE program

RISE internship opportunities are available to both Graduate and Undergraduate students.

All RISE applicants must be active UArizona students.

Internship List

A RISE intern will have the opportunity to work on two very different projects that will impact traditional seed sovereignty and seed stewardship for our region:
1. Assist in organizing a Seed Banking and Seed Stewardship Conference centered on Indigenous communities of the region. The conference is scheduled for February 3rd and 4th, 2025.
2. Assist NS/S in coming into compliance with the World Intellectual Property Organization's new Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Associated Traditional Knowledge

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