
Archaeological Sciences Emphasis

Sharpen analytical skills, develop logical arguments on sound data, and learn to understand the current human condition from the perspective of a nuanced historical perspective. Establish a foundation in traditional science classes, such as biology, chemistry and physics, for the in-depth study of archaeological methods and theories.
Bachelor of Science

Focus your anthropology studies on the scientific aspects of the field, specializing in data collection and analysis, fieldwork and archaeological methods. The Bachelor of Science in Anthropology with an emphasis in Archaeological Sciences introduces students to the rigorous study of archaeological data. As part of one of the top five anthropology programs in the country, students in this program take traditional science classes, such as biology, chemistry and physics, in order to build a foundation for the in-depth study of archaeological methods and theories. Students sharpen analytical skills, develop logical arguments based on sound data and learn to understand the current human condition from the perspective of a nuanced historical context.

Level of Math
Substantial Knowledge
Level of Second Language
2nd Semester Proficiency