Noah Weaver on Getting Involved and Tackling Health Disparities, Together

What is your major/year?
My name is Noah Weaver and I am a sophomore majoring in Physiology and Medical Sciences, with minors in both Spanish and Gov't and Public Policy
What are you involved in on campus or in Tucson?
I am involved with a lot around campus, always trying to meet new people and find where I can make an impact! I am the current President of Allies, Medical Directive, Flying Sams, and PSIO Club. I additionally give tours to prospective students, so you may see me walking down the mall with a big group of people behind me. If you need anyone to give you the best tour of our amazing campus, I am your guy. I am additionally a Pre Health and Pre MD Ambassador, in which I help undergrads and prospective medical students with tours and information sessions. Along with Pre MD Ambassadors, I am partnering with some medical students to help lead the Buddy System, an organization in which we mentor individuals with disabilities who are involved in Special Olympics. Additionally, I tutor and am a scribe at the Booster COVID Clinic, two jobs that I absolutely love because they allow me to help those in need of extra assistance. Finally, I am a in this year's cohort of Diana Liverman Scholars! U of A has presented me with so many amazing opportunities and I can not wait to continue my journey and continue to make a difference!
What environmental issues are you most passionate about?
I am really passionate about looking at how the environment connects to the health disparities we see. I recently had the opportunity to attend the American Public Health Association Conference in Denver, where I learned so much about how our actions with the earth have a direct correlation to the health issues we see. Historically, there are less tress planted in low socioeconomic areas, meaning that those individuals are more subject to diseases that correlate with UV radiation, etc. Additionally, many big power plants are placed in those low income areas, increasing the risk of diseases that come from pollution for those individuals.
Who was the first person to motivate you to get involved in the climate space?
Working with my high schools climate initiative organization really motivated me to get into this field. There are so many individuals that are affected by our inability to take action when it comes to climate, and we must start making things happen if we want the next generation to have a planet. Working with my high school classmates and the community, I began to understand how important it is to come together for a common goal. We were not the biggest group of individuals, but we were passionate and motivated. This really showed me how amazing it is when we come together for a common goal, a goal that can lead to positive solutions for all!
What is the most interesting intersection between environment and medicine that you have learned about?
Going back to the Public Health Conference, one issue that is incredibly pressing is the lack of resources that we are putting into the environment and our healthcare system. With billions going to the military, we must begin to push incredibly hard for the redistribution of funds to the healthcare and environmental sector. These funds could then go towards initiatives like planting trees in low income areas, providing vaccines to the homeless, and many other initiatives that I am so passionate about and can not wait to lead with other passionate individuals.
What is a change you'd like to see on our campus?
I would love to see more initiatives that help those in the community. I have many ideas that I am passionate about leading, and with the support and funds of the campus, we can achieve these! There are thousands that are still not vaccinated, not because they do not want to, but because there are disparities that they face. In working more with the University of Arizona, we can better connect with these individuals and get them the resources they need to live great lives. I am very passionate about working with the Hispanic population, and the initiatives I have led in Tucson have allowed for this. Still, I want to keep pushing and make sure we do everything we can to ensure more affluent lives for those facing the health disparities we currently see.