
Hone your analytical skills and position you for a variety of career paths including business, manufacturing, labor, agriculture, natural resources ,and government. Students who wish to earn their B.A. in Economics must first enroll in the Pre-Economics major and complete a minor in a chosen area of interest and four semesters of a foreign language.
Bachelor of Arts

If you enjoy dissecting complex problems to figure out how to solve them, a major in Economics will help you hone your analytical skills and position you for a variety of career paths. Economic principles and theories are relevant to numerous industries, including business, manufacturing, labor, agriculture, natural resources and government. Students seeking their Bachelor of Arts in Economics through the University of Arizona's Eller College of Management will learn to ""think like an economist"" by learning to identify the essential elements of a problem and developing the analytical skills for finding solutions. Students who wish to earn their B.A. in Economics must first enroll in the Pre-Economics major. Economics majors must also complete a minor in a chosen area of interest and four semesters of a foreign language to graduate as well-rounded, knowledgeable economists.

Level of Math
Moderate Knowledge
Level of Second Language
4th Semester Proficiency