Natural Resources

Watershed Hydrology and Management Emphasis

Prepare for a career as a hydrologist or careers in organizations and businesses concerned with integrated land management, the environment or water resources with specialized coursework in ecology, ecosystem science, social science, communication, policy analysis, and the management of surface water resources.
Bachelor of Science

Water is perhaps our greatest natural resource in all living plants and animals require it. Become an expert in the preservation of this life-giving resource. The Watershed Management and Ecohydrology emphasis in the Natural Resources Bachelor of Science program prepares students for careers in sustainable landscape management. Ecohydrology is especially important in arid and semiarid systems, such as those in Arizona, where the feedback between ecology and hydrology can be particularly tight. With the benefit of small class sizes, students receive specialized coursework in ecology, ecosystem science, social science, communication, policy analysis, and the management of surface water resources. Graduates are qualified to be hydrologists or to pursue careers in organizations and businesses concerned with integrated land management, the environment or water resources.

Level of Math
Substantial Knowledge
Level of Second Language
2nd Semester Proficiency