
Medicine and Society Emphasis

Explore a variety of topics in courses taught by practicing physicians and medical scientists including what it is to be a healthcare professional; medical ethics; professionalism; health care delivery to improve quality care; advanced anatomical, biochemical, neurological, and physiological science; pathology of disease; mechanisms of treatment; and integrative therapies. ​
Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science in Medicine is a four-year degree program designed and delivered as a collaboration between medical care professionals, basic scientists, and humanists, with focus on clinical reasoning and case-based learning. Many classes are taught by practicing physicians and medical scientists.​The program covers unique topics using teaching techniques including clinical case analysis, hands-on learning through simulation, and traditional lectures to explore a variety of topics including what it is to be a healthcare professional; medical ethics; professionalism; health care delivery to improve quality care; advanced anatomical, biochemical, neurological, and physiological science; pathology of disease; mechanisms of treatment; and integrative therapies. ​

Level of Math
Moderate Knowledge
Level of Second Language
2nd Semester Proficiency