Sustainable Plant Systems

Fresh Produce Safety

In this Yuma-based program, discover how production chains become contaminated with diseases, and learn Good Agricultural Practices for the harvest of leafy greens and fresh-vegetable food safety. Coursework provides insight into food safety issues, field risk assessments, facility sanitation, and inspection processes, and provide real-life experience applying soil, water and plant sciences to solve problems.
Bachelor of Science

Nurture a greener and healthier tomorrow with a degree that innovates new, sustainable ways to keep food fresh. The Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Plant Systems has four tracks; students in the Fresh Produce Safety track advance the latest methods for maintaining the safety of food one of the most important resources on Earth. In this Yuma-based program, students discover how production chains become contaminated with diseases, and learn Good Agricultural Practices for the harvest of leafy greens and fresh-vegetable food safety. Coursework provides insight into food safety issues, field risk assessments, facility sanitation and inspection processes. Students gain real-life experience in the applications of soil, water and plant sciences, including soil chemistry, plant nutrition and hydroponics.

Level of Math
Moderate Knowledge
Level of Second Language
2nd Semester Proficiency